Funeral & memorial services
If funeral services are desired with the body present, the family should contact the funeral home of their choosing. It is also possible to have a memorial service, without the donor's body present.
The family and funeral director should notify the Body Bequest Office before funeral preparations are made. At that time, instructions will be given to the funeral director on how to embalm the body for teaching purposes. If the instructions are not followed by the funeral director, the University will not be able to accept the body.
At the completion of the customary funeral services, the funeral director should contact the Body Bequest Office, at which time arrangements will be made for transportation of the body to Wayne State University School of Medicine. The family will be expected to assume all financial responsibilities for the funeral services.
Death Certificates
The filing of the original death certificate and the securing of the burial-transit permit will be done by the Body Bequest Office. The certified copies of the death certificate may be obtained at either the city or county clerk's office in the area where the death occurred within a week to ten days from the date of death.
There is a nominal fee for obtaining certified copies of the death certificate which the family will have to incur. The copies are necessary for most legal transactions, such as insurance, income tax, Social Security, and changing ownership of property
Obituary Notices
Wayne State University School of Medicine does not provide obituary notices in the newspapers. If the family would like to place a death notice, they should contact their local newspaper or funeral director for assistance.